Monday, June 11, 2007

Crash Without Recovery: Episode 1: Smash Brothers Brawl

Ok, despite having a huge workload, I decided to host, edit and post a vidcast (video podcast) for (I'll post it on once I get the second episode up) . The first episode features Maria, Roman, Kyle, myself and Luke on camera. I honestly thought it would take 15 minutes, sure enough we ran out of tape at 55 minutes! There's so many good things in there that I just didn't want to edit it down, so I divided it up into several parts.

I'll be posting the parts this week. It was recorded on June 9th, so there might be updates to , were we right? Time will tell...

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Maria's blog

Kyle's blog

Roman's blog

Camera man Luke's blog

What do you think? Talk back about this vidcast over at's Forum, Click HERE.

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