Saturday, August 18, 2007

Setting Up The Sets

Well, Roy's Revenge trailer is online and I'm prepping the rest of the short. The trailer contains no footage from the short. I'm currently texturing and getting render settings correct. Thankfully, I only have 2 sets, one indoor, and one outdoor. There has been several weird issues that have popped up, such as in the scene where Roy screws the light bulb into the machine. In that scene his eyes would turn complete black, reflect the noicon.pic and the render time would shoot through the roof. Thankfully I found the reason behind it and now the scene is good. Having to find the right textures to fit Roy's Revenge is a bit tricky, but it's very fun. I also got some help from Asinine Animation, fellow students who donated their house from their short. It would be funny if Roy from my short and Willy from their short were neighbours. Anyway, Enjoy the screen shot of the Machine's keyboard and Roy's hand.

I'll be posting my reviews of the films shown at the Centre For Arts and Technology Film Festival tomorrow.

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