Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Anime Convention Coming 2010

In January I made a post about a possible Anime Convention coming to Kelowna in 2010. I can now say that there will be one and we're still looking at July 2010. It will be called Anime Okanagan.
I've been made into the second in command as Vice President of Kelowna Anime and Cosplay Association and I'm the Director of Marketing for the convention.
So my job is to make sure everything is moving forward while trying to get the word out about our convention and draw in as many people as we can.
The Anime and Cosplay Kelowna Forum is borderline 160 people now, which is a markable improvement from me being the 34th forum member back in January.
So far marketing has been through word of mouth and little business cards left in strategic locations. My goal is to have over 300 people on the forum by the end of the year. We're on to phase 2 of marketing, which is our online presence. We've got our Twitter page going, blogger site, facebook page, YouTube page and a lot of YouTube videos in the work. Ian, the president, and I wrote out at least 2 dozen video ideas. It should keep me busy for a while.
Location of the convention will be decided by the end of the month, same with the exact weekend. We've canvassed a lot of different locations; each had their positive and negative aspects. Some knew what they were doing and services they offer and what spaces they have could be useful for some events, others.. didn't. The ones that didn't sunk to the bottom of the list fast.

If everything goes well then Kelowna's going to be hit by something it has never seen on a scale that's bigger then this valley has ever seen.
Wish me luck.

Oh yeah. I'm also landed a part in a movie by local director Jeremy Heynen. Check out his website: TheMissingPatient.Com/

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kelowna Zombie Walk 2009

On May 9th I got to attend the Kelowna Zombie Walk. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun. I also did my own make up, which turned out quite well. Here's a few shots of me as a zombie and my make up.

Here's close to the final stage: Here the wound is made up of toilet paper glued to my arm, then the surrounding area was covered in white Halloween make up, then dirt. Then food colouring was added to the toilet paper. Then more dirt. I was a very dirty boy by the time my costume was done.

Here's the end result. A little brushing to make the dirt look a little more natural, a lot more fake blood and colouring. If you look closely the blood from the wounds twirl around my hand and off my pinky. I found it interesting to see how it flowed down my arm following the contours.

Here's a video of me in action:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not Very Arty At The Moment

I couldn't let a month pass without an update. What have I been up to? I've found four great sound bytes for lipsync animation. One from Clone High, one from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and two from Duckman. I have begun storyboarding them out. I've also been trying to get another short film off the floor. I have quite a few ideas for little scenes, but nothing that creates a larger picture or story. Which is quite fustrating.
However, despite only being on the Anime and Cosplay forum for nearly 2 months now. The forum numbers have surged forward from 34 to 86. The first official meeting for the board of directors is on Monday, so it should be interesting to see where it goes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Slip: Theday Version

I've finally got around to remixing every single song on the Nine Inch Nails albums The Slip. The last one to remix was 1,000,000. Here are the link to listen to and download them. Don't forgot to rate them a full 5 stars while you're at NINremixes.com . I also posted the links to my Ghost remixes off of the album Ghost I-IV. Enjoy those as well. Cover art coming soon.

The Slip Remixed
Letting You
Head Down
Lights in the Sky
Corona Radiata
The Four of Us Are Dying
Demon Seed

Ghost Tracks

3 Ghost I
6 Ghost I
18 Ghost II
26 Ghost III
35 Ghost IV

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Anime Convention in Kelowna? A Reality?

Japanese Animation, or Anime, has always been interesting to me. Then again I find all kinds of animation and moving pictures interesting. I'm not the biggest fan of anime, but still find it interesting.
A week or so ago my friend pointed out ACK, Anime and Cosplay Kelowna. I've never dressed up outside of Halloween and costume parties ..and that one time at work..
After being on the site for a little while it looks like I've got my fingers into spreading the word about this site and somehow on an organization to plan an Anime Convention in Kelowna. This will get me out and about and meeting up with other people to talk about one form of art or another.

The current tentative date for said convention is July 2010. But before we go through with it we need a lot more supporters. The forum has jumped from 37 to 52 since I've been there. Realistically speaking I would only suggest a convention in Kelowna if the forum number was over 300 people. We'll see what happens.

Update: I've been selected as a board of directors member for the convention.

Monday, January 05, 2009

2008 Highlights

2008 Brought many different art adventures for me. Here are some highlights.

Roy's Revenge - My highly anticipated short film burst onto the web in early April and had it's big screen debut on April 16th as a part of the Okanagan Film Festival.

Final Gathering Hints - In late March I explained Final Gathering for newbies.

Smashing After Thoughts - In 2007 I made some predictions of what Super Smash Brothers Brawl would include and this is the result. See where I was right and where I was wrong.

The Fall of Digimill - In 2008 the site formally known as Digimill.net fell off the face of the internet when site editor Graeme Morris failed to sign into Blogger. I saved several of my best posts and posted them on this here Blog, here are the highlights:
Elements of Designs
Principles of Design

Live Action Shorts - I finally upgraded and bought a digital camera from a friend and begun shooting interesting footage and editing it together to Nine Inch Nails.

Reviews - I begun to review video games I've played this year on this here site, here are the highlights:
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Doctor Mario Online RX
Artstyle: Orbient

There you go, 2008 was a weird one for me personally, but if the economy improves I can except even more art adventures. Wish me luck and keep reading.