Anyway, I've been working on my blog tonight and if you look to your right you'll see a little Twitter box (under the long list of links), it's mini updates from me! I'll post little things, like what songs are stuck in my head, what I'm currently working on, links of interest and other silly things.
I've been working on organizing my link section, so there might be some new and interesting ones being added, so keep an eye on those.
I've submitted this blog of mine to several blog sites and you can see a list of them at the bottom of the page.
I've joined last Sunday and by the end of the day had 23 friends. makes me feel a bit old because I found a couple of my old classmates on there and some of them have a kid or two! Meanwhile I'm going to an art school with green hair and wearing a Batman t-shirt. Wait... I like being an art student, I'm not ready for kids! If we've met or chatted online and you want to be my friend, then visit My Profile at Facebook
Ok, time for a picture. Remember how in March, while I was teaching LET at the Centre For Arts and Technology's Bootcamp and then went to the Okanagan Film Festival, well, I got a picture finally developed. Here it is:
From Left to Right: Mara (director/animator of "Paint Within the Lines"), Erin (Director/Animator of "Upon A Star"), Chris (Director/Animator of "Beyond the Desolate"), Nathan (Director/Animator of "Unfolded"), Nolan (Director/Animator of "Coffeeee"), Cassandra (Modeller/Animator of "The Nieghbour Below"), Chris W (Director/Animator of "The Nieghbour Below"). I've had at least 1 class with all of them! They're all very creative and nice guys and gals! I wish them all the best of luck!
Back to flogging my own stuff. I'll be adding more to this blog very soon, including that long, long, long over due banner on top. Which will link to my various labels, such as Roy's Revenge, Animation, Articles, Digimill, Life/General and whatever else I decided to add. I want to get my picture taken next to the SUV, that would be cool.
Anyway, I gotta go to sleep, more work to do including:
-Finishing touches on Roy's Revenge Lieca Reel
-Touch up animation on some animation tests
-Get final designs done for the the giant laser in Roy's Revenge
-Remix more NIN songs (one down...)
-Find the right Mommy Day card! May 13th Everyone! Next Sunday!!
-Turn JenEric into Roy
-Animate Nolan's Rouge Mage
-Among other things!
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